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Dec 15, 2012

Laugh,Cry and Marvel.

백야 (White Night) - 넬 (Nell)

Today, I again fall in and out of love with the detritus of what is left of you, in me.
How you might be.
난 니가 필요해(I need you).
Every time I try to erase you the world crumbles, by the roots.
At the endless time,
Deeply imprinted in all of its space,
your breath is all that remains.
Today, I, again, waste it,
Forcing together the pieces of promises,
Remains of memories.
How you might be.
I can’t get over you.
You just keep shining on and on through my time.
난 니가 필요해(I need you).
Every time I conjure you up the time ices over, by the roots.
My best won’t do.
Every time I breathe, it’s as if your memories are talking to me.
Being left behind and letting it be gone would all be mine.
It wouldn’t come back, as if a movie, as if a lie.
Come back to me.

p/s: I'm happy that I got this yesterday for FREE! 

Dec 9, 2012

high five!

oh wow,
I miss everyone these days.
I miss home.
yes, living alone does have its ups and downs.

downer: you have to deal with everything by yourself.

case in point:
when you forgot to stock up your pads.
and you have your menses in the middle of the night.
and there's no kedai runcit nearby except the one that you have to walk like 10 minutes away.
and it'll be closed by that time.

ah well, I remember what my mum used to told me that back in her days, of course there's no sanitary pads, so girls/women of that days used the cloth, one that could absorbed the blood properly and put it on the underwear. DONE.

so, I tried to do the same.
tried to find any cloth that's suitable. at least, for the night only.
I found two cut-offs from my inner t-shirt's arm that I cut it off to make it a short-sleeved one and that's it.
those two were enough for me.
at least, for the time being.

for the first time, I've one experience to feel like what my mother used to have to do when it's her days.
and it's weird.
like I have to check on it to make sure it doesn't fall off and that night I've restless sleep..
so the next morning, I woke up expecting leakage everywhere, but Alhamdulillah, none.
that's not BAD at all.

I high-five myself for something well done.

note to self: always always remember to re-stock my sanitary pads.. 

p/s: i can't wait for next weekend! :)

Dec 1, 2012

hello December.

“I will make you forget all”>

Hopeless Valentine at GMF 2012.

Nell all day everyday. 

I always relate that the end of the year as a phase to finish everything. 
to settle everything that's due before the year turn to 2013.
and for these past years, December always going to be a very busy months.
for me I have tons of works (presentations, assignments, etc.)

I did not have any resolution to be done before the year ends.  
never made one. 
sort of don't believe in having one would actually prompt myself to fulfill it.

In other related thing, December is also special because obviously

it's my BIRTHDAY! 

and everything is still the same.
I celebrated by myself with a container of moist chocolate cake.
and two chocolate muffins. cioccolato magnificento!
 it's a low-key thing to do. 
it suits with my age, I think. i'm 24. (kalau kahwin dah ada anak dua! ecewah!)
nothing elaborate, just remembering how my age defines me.

and how i feel like certain things are slipping away.
I can not choose which things to forget but I know some things are forgotten in time.
it's not a deliberate forgetfulness but things that you could not hold into.
and I somehow fear that someday I woke up and could not grasp on what it is.
what it is that stained  me, it felt familiar but i do not have any conception on what it is.

ah, I've rambled senselessly. 
must be the Nell's overdose.

p/s: here's hoping that everyone of us have a great and productive December and if the world did end in 2012..........


Nov 27, 2012

jumble bubble up.


okay, feels like typing away everything.

1. this week and coming weeks would be a pretty busy week.
I have 1,2,3 no make it FOUR presentation waiting for me. two of them are in group while another two are individual effort. and I've prepared none. NONE.

mighty PLUS on the research proposal presentation due this Thursday.
nervous as hell but what to do, things got to be done.

2. I have plan for this coming December to go to the BBW sale. It will be held at MIECC, Serdang so I'll try making up time for it and make my mission to snatch at least a dozen of books.
You know, for next year stock-up.
Because they discounted the books until 95 %. that's CRAZY!
the usual paperbacks costs around RM 31.90 so do the maths, I'll get a book for only RM 8.00!!
so now you know the deal.
I've heard of BBW a couple of times before this from my friends but never had the chance to actually go.
so I think this year might be the year for me.

reading books is always my favorite pastime.
being lost in another world and building up imagery from what you read is a freedom that could only be reached by reading.  
which remind me I've yet to finish the memory keeper's daughter.

Nov 22, 2012


Puasa adalah Perisai.

Dari Abu Hurairah r.a, ia berkata: Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda: Allah Azza Wa Jalla berfirman (Hadist Qudsy):
“Semua amal perbuatan Anak Adam adalah untuknya kecuali puasa, kerana sesungguhnya puasa itu adalah untuk-Ku dan Aku sendiri yang akan memberikan balasannya. Puasa adalah perisai. Maka apabila seseorang diantara kalian sedang berpuasa, janganlah dia berbicara kotor dan jangan pula bertengkar. Apabila ia dimaki oleh seseorang atau diajak bermusuhan maka hendaklah ia berkata: “Sesungguhnya aku sedang berpuasa” Demi Dzat yang jiwa Muhammad ada di dalam genggaman kekuasaanNya. Sungguh bau dari mulut seseorang yang berpuasa itu lebih harum di sisi Allah daripada bau minyak kasturi. Seseorang yang berpuasa  itu mempunyai dua kegembiraan, dan ia dapat merasakan kesenangannya, yaitu ketika berbuka ia bergembira, dan apabila telah bertemu dengan Tuhannya maka iapun bergembira dengan adanya balasan puasanya.

(H.R Bukhari Muslim - Lafaz riwayat Imam Bukhari)

Untuk Gaza,

حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل
"HasbunaAllah wa ni'mal wakiil" 
'Cukuplah Allah sebagai pelindung kami dan DIA adalah sebaik - baik pelindung'

إن شاء الله‎,

Nov 20, 2012

that I would be good.

That I Would Be Good/Use Somebody,Smoakstack Sessions Vol.2

I always love Kelly Clarkson. she's such a great vocalist.
 like her lungs must be bigger than everybody else. 

and she'll always be my favourite AI alumni along with Chris Daughtry.

oh wow, a mere mention of lungs remind me of I went to a private clinics to do medical check up for my scholarship, and as usual, the usual procedures, urine test, vision test, bp taking and the chest x-ray.
then the consultation with the medical doctors. I have to wait like an hour plus just to saw the doctor.
and wow, the doctor sure talks a lot. like a lot. 
from nuclear reactor to the importance of exercising. 
and guess what.

the doctor told me I have scoliosis.
based from my chest x-ray films.
my spine have a very minor S-curve (the curve is less than 10 degrees).

thus, no wonder I occasionally have pains on my backside these past months.

but it's not a bad thing I guess. 
since it's only minor.
but still, it need to be prevented from the worst to happen. 

just have to limit myself on doing a very heavy work. 
yeah, just that plus exercise and practice to have a good posture whenever I can. 
and I think I have to wear backpacks to class. 

main point is: let's take an utmost care of our body.

onto another stuff; (yes I jumbled up everything in one post because I can).

as usual, my internet routines.
tumblring, twittering and a lot of other fun stuff. 
well yeah, internet is a fun innovation that have ever existed in the world.

and i stumbled upon this quotes.
thought I might share it here.

it felt weird reading this. 
a good kind of weird.

Nov 3, 2012

Shiawase no Pan

'a feel good movie about togetherness and finding the true happiness-
heartwarming and calming.' 

i watched this movie out of the blue as i stumbled upon the link while blog-walking in some random blogs.
and i fell in love with it! 

catch it here

(may contain generic spoiler)

     The story mainly revolve around the Cafe Mani, a bakery restaurant located in the countryside, Lake Toya, Hokkaido. Such a beautiful place and the results to the movie was whimsical cinematography. 

Oct 20, 2012

Friday, is it?

'All the bad girls, say good night to the bad guy'
'I don't just spend money, I kill bills'

on Friday i only have two classes.
one in the morning, 10am-12 noon
one in the afternoon, 3pm-7pm.

the morning class was so much FUN. 
the lecturer is a funny one and one who likes to gossip.
so, occasionally after a couple of slides, he would stop and start rambling onto  other stuff. un-related stuff.
but i LIKE it a lot. i feel that on his class i concentrate more. 
the things that he taught easily goes into my brain.
his class was the most effective one, among others.

and then the afternoon class.
oh, lord.
it's freaking four hours class, where a lecturer would lecture on a topic.
and their no of slides would reach 100 ++.

and here's the thing, 
yesterday it was raining heavily and I couldn't do anything as to wait for it to be subdued a little bit. can't help it as I just walk to the class. no transport, mind you.
so it resulted on me being late 
and as usual, latecomer, no seats available at the back.
no options, sit on the front. on the front, yes.
but before that, a guy passed to me a handful of hand outs and I took it, of course.
on the way to go down the hall, i stumbled upon a Korean? or Chinese? looking guy and passed the remaining handouts to him.

' Sir, Sir, here'


'ah, ape ni?'


turns out that he is a MALAY, afterall.

and during the lecture I noticed that he keeps looking our way, must be thinking to himself why lah this girl panggil aku sir sir tadi?

p/s: will be going home tomorrow, InsyaAllah. for Raya Haji hols. :)

Oct 16, 2012

77 days

'Perfect maturity is when a person hurts you, and you try to understand their situation and never hurt them back'

i)  i realized lately i've been violent with everything, the way i encounter life and all within. i don't know the cause whether it's due to the never ending workload or the people around me. i'm an easily absorbed person (not self-absorbed,okay).
 i absorbed everything around me. whether it is emotions, environment, or anything at all. it's dangerous if i don't know how to control it. to filter it. to minus all the negative elements. 
and that's what i'm doing right now. allowing the negativity to flow through me and let it out at everything i can. it's not healthy.
the current phase of my being is not healthy. 

i think it's high time to take a break. 
ah well, let's anticipate next week, for i'll be going home.

ii) listen to this.
Decorate by Yuna at Taylor Sessions
spot the additional lyrics?

here it is: 

You do this all the time
You come and you go like I'm nothing, you know.

Every time you come back to me
I'm prepared to watch you leave
You can't make your mind though
About me

I imagine what it's like
What if you might leave everything and come home
But I know that you won't
After what I've been through
I'm  still worry about you

You're letting  go all your friends
It's definitely the end

p/s: yesterday was October 15.
it's been two years...Al-fatihah...

Oct 7, 2012

the thunder.

I find this reminder to be very useful. steal it from a friend's post in Facebook. May Allah's blessings always be with her for sharing this. 

do whatever you want with this. print it and paste it to your wall. set it as your desktop wallpaper. put it as your smartphone's wallpaper. make it as your tafsir's bookmark.
InsyaAllah, with good intentions. 

if you are depressed:

Quran 13:28
< Surah 13, Surah Ar-Ra'd, verse 28>
الَّذينَ ءامَنوا وَتَطمَئِنُّ قُلوبُهُم بِذِكرِ اللَّهِ ۗ أَلا بِذِكرِ اللَّهِ تَطمَئِنُّ 
القُلوبُ ﴿٢٨

''Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah . Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured."


p/s: I got a week long holiday for this coming Raya Haji. Alhamdulillah.

Sep 30, 2012

wake me up when...

I figured this is the third week I'm here, here as in being a postgraduate student in UKM, Bangi. a lot of things happened. no kidding, really a lot of things happened. from the first day i stepped into here. 
and i have a lot of stuff to tell.
fret not, i'll not bored you with every details but here's a few of the highlights:

before that, there are four of us, USMKK's alumnus, F, Q, A and myself.

1. The Residential College:

here's the thing, if you're planning to further your study at UKM as postgraduate students either in masters or Ph. D , know that you're not automatically given the hostel or residential college as what they're known here.  you've to figure it out yourself. usually, the given college for postgrad are two colleges, Kolej Pendeta Zaa'ba and Kolej Keris Mas. these two college have the highest rate among all of the colleges here, because they have many facilities compared to the others (ATM, photostat and printing services, mini groceries shop and much larger cafeteria). the rate is rm6 for double room and rm7 for single room.

so, my friend (F) and I, we don't have any single idea of what forthcoming us, so on the second day of registration day, we registered at Zaa'ba since it's closer to our faculty compared to Keris Mas ( i tell you, you've to go in/out of the entrance gate no 3 to get to my faculty, imagine that). 
AND being me, I asked for a single room, whether it's available or not and the lady at the counter told me and F that at Zaa'ba they don't have single rooms. Inside my head I was like, REALLY? no single room in this very large college? but since I'm as new as a newborn, I shut up and be grateful of whatever room she gave. then, she put  me and F in a same room, and that's a big NO NO  for us. okay, first of all we don't have any problems or we are not fighting with each other, it's just it's really uncomfortable for me to be sharing the room with my course mates. no privacy, and how boring would that be because all day everyday you're going to see the same person. going to classes you see her, then going back to your room you would also see her. imagine that. 

Sep 26, 2012

one of a kind.

Today- G DRAGON ft Kim Jong-wan

'Today I'm free like a wind
I'm rocking my life away'

the season of chaos has passed. it's high time to concentrate on what matters.
one year, one year... InsyaAllah.

'patience is the key to joy'- Rumi

Aug 17, 2012

come, celebrate.

it's a bittersweet celebration
anything else would be superfluous.

Aug 13, 2012

on what matters

[one of these days, I'll delete everything and concentrate on what matters]

I guess this is what it takes on growing up. A few months ago, I'm so excited to graduate, and fast forward today, yes, graduation scares me. 
I've been privileged in my whole life ;never have to racking up the cash to pay the bills or my own school fees. It'll always come off from other people's hands. 

To tell you the truth, I'm most scared right now, of what my future looks like. To graduate means I have to bear all the responsibilities by myself ;no more slacking away.  And the way I see it today, yes the real world that we live in is in fact a harsh world. And how do I do it when I don't feel like I'm an adult. Yet. Just yet, I believe.

I think this is the period of adjusting. For everything.
And it is important to stay level-headed and stay winning. 


' The more I grow, like an ashamed mother
Should I let the knot between my dream and hand loosen and come undone?
That can't happen . '

{ Epik High, Fallen Blossoms }


A week ago marked the second year since my father's death.

'' It will get easier ''

In some ways it has; 
but I still have days and moments when it's just as painful as that day. 


Aug 6, 2012

throughout the years.

happy birthday my dearest.
you've been such a joy and keep on making our life much more awesome.

you, such a colorful kid. 
Muhammad Fazril Iqram Mohd Faizul.

/he's sitting beside me while I'm typing away this post. singing his incomprehensible tunes./

London 2012 Olympics .

as of now, China is the captain of the medal tally and it's safe and right to say that China's team is a MONSTER! 
they've been slaying all the golds from  Day 1.

i'm still reeling in disappointment over the loss of Lee Chong Wei. however, it's still a job well done despite he keeps doing his always predicted mistakes over and over again whenever he clash with Lin Dan. 

and I have to say, super Dan  is still superb.
 I'm in no way of supporting him but I do respect his mad talent and skills despite his awful temperament and his arrogance. I think he deserves it. 
his wife, Xie Xingfang looked different last night.  I remember she used to resemble Lee Chong Wei  a little bit during her playing years but last night she was positively glowing. 

sadly this year, I've been keeping up on updates and latest news of Olympics mainly on twitter or live-stream due to certain unfortunate conditions. so the fastest way to keep track of everything is by following  hash-tags.

and my oh my, reading the tweets from hash tags like for our very own pocket rocket man, #azizulhasniawang is, for lack of better words, so detestable.
some tweets were amusing and supportive but some were *ohmygodwhatareyouevenslamsheadonkeyboard* moment. 

Example no 1:

there were people that does not even know who is azizulhasni awang. 
and there were people who supports the athletes for the sake of free ice cream. is it really the only thing that matters? 

Example no 2: 

and then there were some of who were just following the trend. like, it is an 'in' thing to do to support one athlete and you jump on the bandwagon without barely knowing anything.

Like how a sprint cycling run. Like who the heck is azizulhasni awang.

do me a favor, use your smartphone, iPad, tablets, laptops or whatever medium. find out!!! it's as simple as ABC. don't be so ignorant. 

things to learn: stay away from twitter's hash-tags.  

#update, azizul has just ousted from the quarterfinals and placed eighth in the sprint's event but fret not, pray to Allah that he'll succeed in tomorrow's (August 7th) Keirin event.  Josiah Ng also will be joining him carrying the BIG responsibilities and hope of Malaysians. 

/salam Nuzul Al- Quran. let's recite the Quran and understand the contents of it. Recite the Al-Quran and try to read the tafsir to understand the meaning of it. InsyaAllah, the beauty of Al-Quran will prevailed upon us./

Jul 26, 2012

at 24

'I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination'
-Jimmy Dean-

Alhamdulillah.  :)

Jul 21, 2012

Mubarak ya Ramadhan.

"Verily actions are judged by intention." [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]  ©

salam Ramadhan.

this is the second year I'll be fasting at home. Alhamdulillah.
though I'll be missing the tarawih in mosque at uni, I'll make sure to do it at home albeit alone or together with my mother. InsyaAllah.

I've made a few resolutions for myself during this blessed month.

the first one is to pray jamaah with my mother as much as i can. 
i still have to learn and i pledged to myself to keep on learning and don't be afraid. have faith to yourself to be a better muslim. InsyaAllah.

the second one is i planned to do tadarus with my mother and sister.
divide the juzuks to three and we'll recite the Al-Quran together during the afternoon. InsyaAllah.

the third one is to do tahajjud prayer abundantly. InsyaAllah.

the fourth one is to maximize the good deeds. 
zikir, charity or sadaqah,  more of helping out around the house, do not talk bad about other people, controlling my temper-learn to be more patient, and read more ilmiah books.
it's good to be ambitious on something good.

let's pray that Allah will give guidance and make our path a lot easier for us in this blessed Ramadhan. let this be our turning point to life of closer to Allah S.W.T

keep in your  prayers to have the opportunity to meet the Lailatul-Qadr, a night that is better than a thousand months.  

keep in your prayers to have forgiveness from Allah S.W.T.

keep in your prayers for all of the good deeds to stay permanently with you for the rest of your life, not only for Ramadhan. Istiqamah! InsyaAllah.

Alhamdulillah for this amazing opportunity to have a blessed Ramadhan to gain closeness, forgiveness, and His mercy to us. 

A Dua' for forgiveness:

Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun tuhibbul 'afwa fa'fu 'annee 

أَللّهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ كَرِيْمٌ تُحِبُّ العَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنّيْ 

this post serve as a reminder for myself and you too.  :)

Jul 17, 2012


Younha performing Run on Lee Sora's 2nd Proposal.

I'm so so in love with this song. 

Younha is finally releasing a new album titled, Supersonic after a nearly of two years hiatus.
I LOVE her. 
and her comeback to Korean music scene is like a breath of fresh air. 

she has a very beautiful voice and her voice make every songs worth it to be heard. there's something electric of her voice. 

though this album is a not a super great album coming from her with Someday remained as my favorite from her but it's still a good effort of her. 
and what's more she has been under the radar for almost two years. 

Run is the title song of this album and it's a great choice, a kickoff to something amazing. 
be it a new love, a new path, a new resolution, a new day or a new tomorrow.

"Time, please pass by a bit quicker
With a hot light, please embrace me
Take me to a dazzling tomorrow
So I can fly further than anyone else"

oh Younha, can I just curl up on my bed and sleep in your voice?

Jul 10, 2012

memeing Juno

the other day I re-watched Juno for the umpteenth time. 
this scene is made up of so much win. 

and I miss my father a  lot.

Jun 29, 2012

underneath everything.

the closure to my four years of being an undergrad student.

this might be the last time i'm blogging by using usmsecure network. sniff sniff.

when i think back of the time i first stepped into usm, in the year 2008,  my late father and my mother were the one that send me off.
and today, in the year 2012, my second sister will be the one to pick me up.

how i wished my father would be able to attend my convocation. how i wish. 

well, underneath everything, i learned a lot.
 i learned that what ever things you thought is impossible after all could be made possible.
i learned that though you may have a lot of  friends, at the end of the day, the only thing that's left is you by yourself. a man gotta manned up. 
i learned not to being too judgmental on every one. save you doubt for any other days. learn to accept people the way it is.
i learned to be more carefree. i learned on how to improvise, to survive, not to undo the mistakes but learn from it and chin up.
i learned that above all, my family is my everything. stick together until whenever.

the things i cherished the most is the chances of getting to know amazing people. 
lecturers and friends.
i 'm not one to open up to people. if i'm comfortable enough then you would be able to 'see' me. i'm not one of goody-two-shoes.
so, being able to make a couple of friends from here is truly an amazing feat for me. 

however, sometime someway, i learned that somehow, my decision of taking up this degree is kind of a mistake. 
i realized that I've potential on other things, but sadly with little guidance, i just kind of stumbled here.  
yes, i do have regrets but everything's written and can't be undone. 
so i gotta live my life. 
remember, you have to be thankful! . 
imagine what would happen if i never got the place in usm in the first place. 
where would I be now?

aaaanndd a friend from tumblr  asked me yesterday, so what's next for you since you've completed your degree?

i think about it for  a little bit and my answer;

'I've applied to a couple of uni for postgraduate program.  and will keep up to date with any  job offerings. for the meantime, i'm going to enjoy my hoolidayyy!'

happy holiday. 
and let's go for life and loved ones. 

{get up & Let's Go! }

Jun 26, 2012

don't pretend.

{I heard him promise you forever}
{But forever's come and gone}

I love Backstreet Boys.
and it's safe to say that this is my most favorite song from them.
four of them, Brian, AJ, Nick and Howie D performed this song live from the O2 Arena, in 2009. This was during Kevin left the group. oh Kevin.

I have fond memories of BSB and their songs.

Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely is my personal favorite from Millennium.

my classmates in primary school danced to As Long As You Love Me for their performance in the weekly assembly.

I remember watching MTV and screamed inside every time their songs came out.

I would never forget the time when my brother bought the album and VCD's of their MVs, albeit the pirated one, cause you know, at that time CDs, VCDs and cassettes were all the prime source for entertainment aside from the radio. 

I used to download their songs from the internet and played it on Winamp. 

such a happy, high time for me. 

and for me, Black & Blue remained as the best album from them so far,
with so many greatest hits came out from Black & Blue and this album mainly set their status as the best selling boy band ever, leveling the record set by The Beatles.

don't pretend that you never did love them even for just a little while. 
long live, Backstreet Boys.

Jun 20, 2012

to anyone.

people who are afraid to let go are the worse,
they make it worse on themselves on a great level.

let it go.

because nothing is going to change.
people who leave will never coming back,
things that you lost will be gone forever,

no matter how kind you have become,
how spiteful you choose to be,
it can not be undone.

move on.

{on your mark, get set & go}

Jun 13, 2012

it pains me.

You ought to give people the benefit of the doubt.

When something is odd about someone,
Just don't judge without really knowing the reason.
Put yourself in that person's shoes, 
And try to imagine what it is like to be in his/her position.

Don't be blinded, 
Don't be too self-centered,
As the world doesn't revolve around you, my friend.

And not only you,
But all of us live in our own little hell,
And pain makes people change, 
For better or for worse.

Jun 6, 2012

just my luck

Just my luck, thank you
and Alhamdulillah.

I don't know, 
in my dumbest moment and full of regret,
then came a savior or a knight in shining armor to save me.

Just my luckiest luck,
I shall not take anything for granted and stop asking for more.

thank you. 

p/s: on a side note, I'm going home tomorrow (technically, today). Alhamdulillah. 

Jun 4, 2012

get over it.

it's June already.

I am restless and bothered these days.
I honestly can't wait for all of this to be over.
surely I'll miss everyone, everything, 
but deep down, I'll be forever glad when things get to settle down.

really looking forward to the holiday with the family as I've plan to make it useful and meaningful, unlike my previous holidays where it mainly consists of sleeping, eating and fattening up myself.

/really in unstable mood. :(

May 29, 2012

a nice weekend.

I spend last weekend with my family (my mum, my sis and her hubby, farish and fazril).
it was tiring but it was one of those tiring but happy days. 
my mum is the happiest when she got to eat great food and when she got to shopping.
and that's exactly what she has done.
I'm content just seeing her happy face on that time.
she keeps on raving about how everything is cheaper in Kelantan. 
but she still dislike Wakaf Che Yeh.

we got to visit Tok Su. 
and this makes me sad. 
I mean, if I have money I would buy for her the hearing aid. 
she is such a jovial person. despite her ailment she's still living her life to the fullest. 
I mean when I look at her, I keep on thinking of how ungrateful of me to keep on complaining about small,trivial matters when my relatives are having much, bigger troubles. 

We didn't get to visit arwah abah's grave due to time constraint. 
but InsyaAllah this raya we'll go. 
Lately, I've been thinking about him a lot. Al-Fatihah.

my sis and her hubby decided to shop for Farish and Fazril's baju raya at KB Mall.
it's SO tiring to cater to their needs. 
and the highlight was - Fazril crying uncontrollably causing everyone to falls in bad mood. turned out that he was sleepy. 
he fell asleep as soon as we entered the food junction. 

before the crying mess      

 the cool Farish with his motor. haha.(I recalled dia susah gila nak naik motor tu. tu la sape suruh 'besar' sangat.)

Fazril godek-godek the robot.

All in all, my mum shop a lot for hari raya while my sis shop a lot for her children's hari raya clothes..

and I got to eat nice foods and got to run away from my boring routine of lifeless weekend. :)
