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Dec 1, 2012

hello December.

“I will make you forget all”>

Hopeless Valentine at GMF 2012.

Nell all day everyday. 

I always relate that the end of the year as a phase to finish everything. 
to settle everything that's due before the year turn to 2013.
and for these past years, December always going to be a very busy months.
for me I have tons of works (presentations, assignments, etc.)

I did not have any resolution to be done before the year ends.  
never made one. 
sort of don't believe in having one would actually prompt myself to fulfill it.

In other related thing, December is also special because obviously

it's my BIRTHDAY! 

and everything is still the same.
I celebrated by myself with a container of moist chocolate cake.
and two chocolate muffins. cioccolato magnificento!
 it's a low-key thing to do. 
it suits with my age, I think. i'm 24. (kalau kahwin dah ada anak dua! ecewah!)
nothing elaborate, just remembering how my age defines me.

and how i feel like certain things are slipping away.
I can not choose which things to forget but I know some things are forgotten in time.
it's not a deliberate forgetfulness but things that you could not hold into.
and I somehow fear that someday I woke up and could not grasp on what it is.
what it is that stained  me, it felt familiar but i do not have any conception on what it is.

ah, I've rambled senselessly. 
must be the Nell's overdose.

p/s: here's hoping that everyone of us have a great and productive December and if the world did end in 2012..........


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