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May 29, 2012

a nice weekend.

I spend last weekend with my family (my mum, my sis and her hubby, farish and fazril).
it was tiring but it was one of those tiring but happy days. 
my mum is the happiest when she got to eat great food and when she got to shopping.
and that's exactly what she has done.
I'm content just seeing her happy face on that time.
she keeps on raving about how everything is cheaper in Kelantan. 
but she still dislike Wakaf Che Yeh.

we got to visit Tok Su. 
and this makes me sad. 
I mean, if I have money I would buy for her the hearing aid. 
she is such a jovial person. despite her ailment she's still living her life to the fullest. 
I mean when I look at her, I keep on thinking of how ungrateful of me to keep on complaining about small,trivial matters when my relatives are having much, bigger troubles. 

We didn't get to visit arwah abah's grave due to time constraint. 
but InsyaAllah this raya we'll go. 
Lately, I've been thinking about him a lot. Al-Fatihah.

my sis and her hubby decided to shop for Farish and Fazril's baju raya at KB Mall.
it's SO tiring to cater to their needs. 
and the highlight was - Fazril crying uncontrollably causing everyone to falls in bad mood. turned out that he was sleepy. 
he fell asleep as soon as we entered the food junction. 

before the crying mess      

 the cool Farish with his motor. haha.(I recalled dia susah gila nak naik motor tu. tu la sape suruh 'besar' sangat.)

Fazril godek-godek the robot.

All in all, my mum shop a lot for hari raya while my sis shop a lot for her children's hari raya clothes..

and I got to eat nice foods and got to run away from my boring routine of lifeless weekend. :)


May 24, 2012

we found love

the amazing-ness of Jessie J covering Rihanna's We Found Love. 

on another note, the rundown of my life this past few days;

- unable to continue my writing for final year project, two freaking chapters left. TWO!
-spending some good time catching up with friends, one time lepaking at mamak sampai kena warning dengan mamak. ha, good times.
-do a crazy thing: opening a blog to sell my own stuff. ha, baru satu item je laku. anyway, Alhamdulillah.
- Big Bang Alive Tour 2012 is confirmed for Malaysia. I'm so happy. I mean it's long overdue, and now crossing my fingers that the ticket price is affordable and they come on the right time. 
-2ne1 is finally coming back this June. 
- I think May is a celebration month. a lot of my friends birthdays fall on this month with many DAYs celebrated such as Mother's day, Teacher's day, Labor's day and last but not least, The Red Warrior's day. 
- I watched Shame,  the much acclaimed 2011's movie starring the gloriously amazing Michael Fassbender and it left me disturbed.  this movie is certainly not for everyone. 
-my sleeping time is totally messed up, one day sleeping really early and another day i slept past 3 am. not healthy.
- both Farish and Fazril got sick. :'(
-I am addicted to Dove's chocolate. all variations. 
- I laughed a lot. 

last but not least,
-my mum and sis are coming down this weekend. awesome!  can't wait!! 

May 21, 2012


orang hanya berani berkata-kata di hadapan komputer,
mencari kebahagiaan dengan 'dissing' ,

orang berani melangkah jauh ke hadapan,
meninggalkan yang lain di dalam 'mediocrity',

orang itu dilimpahi kebertuahan,
melangkaui 'good timing',

orang itu dihormati, disegani semua,
menunjukkan dia itu seorang yang 'wise',

orang itu berdiam, berpeluk tubuh, kekal tersenyum,
memerhatikan ragam orang yang macam-macam.

May 20, 2012

hello gaya

um, well hi!

I have a few stuff to let go. so I figured this would be the right way.
also in need of earning extra money. :)


Florence + The Machine

mengapa sungguh awesome

ini merupakan mv  lagu untuk filem Snow White and The Huntsman, bertajuk, Breath of Life dari Florence + The Machine. 
movie ni merupakan yang aku tunggu2 juga untuk 2012 ni selepas The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers ,Dark Shadows, To Rome With Love, Red Lights dan Hick. 
bukan sebab Kristen Stewart tapi kerana cik Charlize Theron yang sungguh awesome tu. 
tambahan pula abang Thor juga terlibat sebagai abang Huntsman
manakala abang Tom Hiddleston aka encik Loki juga akan berlakon sebagai ketua dwarf (ok ini tipu).

dan automatik movie ni jadi lagi super awesome bila dapat Florence + The Machine nyanyi lagu latar belakang. 

jujurnya, dapat rasa ke-epikan movie ini.  

May 19, 2012

Annual Course Dinner.

On May 17th I attended the annual dinner of my course at Renaissance Hotel, Kota Bharu. The food was the biggest let down. Seriously, we are in Kelantan, the land of sweetness where even the fried mee is sweet but surprisingly, the ais cendol served for the dessert, taste sugarless. Like the chef or whoever did the dessert forgot to put the sugar into it. 

Highlight of the night surely belongs to the final year student aka US. clap clap clap. Anyway, I'm so not deserving of the hamper as I do not took part in the dancing due to reasons but mainly, of course due to my lack of talent in dancing. 
But I did do them a favor, I recorded them dancing on the stage. 
I felt so proud watching them. Congratulations again. 

All in all, it was a good night. 
Indeed a night to remember throughout our walk of life.

the food. I wish I could put scrumptious in front of it. 

there's a lot happening in this picture. highlight: the SMILES!  By the way, the one in the middle is the princess of the night! Congrats atie! You sure looked glorious and beautiful.

the simple backdrop.

the awesomely delicious cake. it's  Oreo cheese cake. I LOVE it! the taste is not so overwhelmingly cheesy.  just nice!  thank you juniors!

May 18, 2012

photos for inspiration.

current girl-crush, Jo Jong-seok.

 Im Soo-jung for 1st Look. 

May 3, 2012

a conversation with farish.

farish: su na tengah buat apa tu?

me: takde buat ape la farish, tengah tgk cite kat laptop je.

farish: su na tanak balik rumah ke?

me: eh, balik la nanti, hehe

farish: su na, download la lagi cite2 katun lain, da abis tengok dah yang aritu su na bagi..

me: farish nak cite ape? ni mintak cite ni blaja pandai tak? iqra' da no berapa dah?

farish: pandai je, aritu cikgu kata saya ok je. iqra' no 3 lagi.

me: 3 lagi? dari aritu no 3 je.. ni misti malas baca ni. tak boleh la bagi cite ni. 

farish: ala su na, takpe la, saya nak tengok cite, nak tengok banyak banyak banyak, lepas tu nak cite kat kawan2 saya dekat sekolah.

me: hahaha, laa ni nak cite sbb nak cakap kat kawan je la.. 
farish: tak la.. nak tengok cite la.. su na ni.. 

kids and their friends. always finding ways to show-off to friends. 

ah, I miss him. and fazril too. 

i think

May 1, 2012

hari ni cuti. 
1may=hari pekerja.
Man U kalah.  0-1 .