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Dec 9, 2012

high five!

oh wow,
I miss everyone these days.
I miss home.
yes, living alone does have its ups and downs.

downer: you have to deal with everything by yourself.

case in point:
when you forgot to stock up your pads.
and you have your menses in the middle of the night.
and there's no kedai runcit nearby except the one that you have to walk like 10 minutes away.
and it'll be closed by that time.

ah well, I remember what my mum used to told me that back in her days, of course there's no sanitary pads, so girls/women of that days used the cloth, one that could absorbed the blood properly and put it on the underwear. DONE.

so, I tried to do the same.
tried to find any cloth that's suitable. at least, for the night only.
I found two cut-offs from my inner t-shirt's arm that I cut it off to make it a short-sleeved one and that's it.
those two were enough for me.
at least, for the time being.

for the first time, I've one experience to feel like what my mother used to have to do when it's her days.
and it's weird.
like I have to check on it to make sure it doesn't fall off and that night I've restless sleep..
so the next morning, I woke up expecting leakage everywhere, but Alhamdulillah, none.
that's not BAD at all.

I high-five myself for something well done.

note to self: always always remember to re-stock my sanitary pads.. 

p/s: i can't wait for next weekend! :)

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