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Nov 27, 2012

jumble bubble up.


okay, feels like typing away everything.

1. this week and coming weeks would be a pretty busy week.
I have 1,2,3 no make it FOUR presentation waiting for me. two of them are in group while another two are individual effort. and I've prepared none. NONE.

mighty PLUS on the research proposal presentation due this Thursday.
nervous as hell but what to do, things got to be done.

2. I have plan for this coming December to go to the BBW sale. It will be held at MIECC, Serdang so I'll try making up time for it and make my mission to snatch at least a dozen of books.
You know, for next year stock-up.
Because they discounted the books until 95 %. that's CRAZY!
the usual paperbacks costs around RM 31.90 so do the maths, I'll get a book for only RM 8.00!!
so now you know the deal.
I've heard of BBW a couple of times before this from my friends but never had the chance to actually go.
so I think this year might be the year for me.

reading books is always my favorite pastime.
being lost in another world and building up imagery from what you read is a freedom that could only be reached by reading.  
which remind me I've yet to finish the memory keeper's daughter.

Nov 22, 2012


Puasa adalah Perisai.

Dari Abu Hurairah r.a, ia berkata: Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda: Allah Azza Wa Jalla berfirman (Hadist Qudsy):
“Semua amal perbuatan Anak Adam adalah untuknya kecuali puasa, kerana sesungguhnya puasa itu adalah untuk-Ku dan Aku sendiri yang akan memberikan balasannya. Puasa adalah perisai. Maka apabila seseorang diantara kalian sedang berpuasa, janganlah dia berbicara kotor dan jangan pula bertengkar. Apabila ia dimaki oleh seseorang atau diajak bermusuhan maka hendaklah ia berkata: “Sesungguhnya aku sedang berpuasa” Demi Dzat yang jiwa Muhammad ada di dalam genggaman kekuasaanNya. Sungguh bau dari mulut seseorang yang berpuasa itu lebih harum di sisi Allah daripada bau minyak kasturi. Seseorang yang berpuasa  itu mempunyai dua kegembiraan, dan ia dapat merasakan kesenangannya, yaitu ketika berbuka ia bergembira, dan apabila telah bertemu dengan Tuhannya maka iapun bergembira dengan adanya balasan puasanya.

(H.R Bukhari Muslim - Lafaz riwayat Imam Bukhari)

Untuk Gaza,

حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل
"HasbunaAllah wa ni'mal wakiil" 
'Cukuplah Allah sebagai pelindung kami dan DIA adalah sebaik - baik pelindung'

إن شاء الله‎,

Nov 20, 2012

that I would be good.

That I Would Be Good/Use Somebody,Smoakstack Sessions Vol.2

I always love Kelly Clarkson. she's such a great vocalist.
 like her lungs must be bigger than everybody else. 

and she'll always be my favourite AI alumni along with Chris Daughtry.

oh wow, a mere mention of lungs remind me of I went to a private clinics to do medical check up for my scholarship, and as usual, the usual procedures, urine test, vision test, bp taking and the chest x-ray.
then the consultation with the medical doctors. I have to wait like an hour plus just to saw the doctor.
and wow, the doctor sure talks a lot. like a lot. 
from nuclear reactor to the importance of exercising. 
and guess what.

the doctor told me I have scoliosis.
based from my chest x-ray films.
my spine have a very minor S-curve (the curve is less than 10 degrees).

thus, no wonder I occasionally have pains on my backside these past months.

but it's not a bad thing I guess. 
since it's only minor.
but still, it need to be prevented from the worst to happen. 

just have to limit myself on doing a very heavy work. 
yeah, just that plus exercise and practice to have a good posture whenever I can. 
and I think I have to wear backpacks to class. 

main point is: let's take an utmost care of our body.

onto another stuff; (yes I jumbled up everything in one post because I can).

as usual, my internet routines.
tumblring, twittering and a lot of other fun stuff. 
well yeah, internet is a fun innovation that have ever existed in the world.

and i stumbled upon this quotes.
thought I might share it here.

it felt weird reading this. 
a good kind of weird.

Nov 3, 2012

Shiawase no Pan

'a feel good movie about togetherness and finding the true happiness-
heartwarming and calming.' 

i watched this movie out of the blue as i stumbled upon the link while blog-walking in some random blogs.
and i fell in love with it! 

catch it here

(may contain generic spoiler)

     The story mainly revolve around the Cafe Mani, a bakery restaurant located in the countryside, Lake Toya, Hokkaido. Such a beautiful place and the results to the movie was whimsical cinematography.