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Nov 28, 2011

current feelings... (3)

right now, I'm doing my assignment for the clinical.
I think my mind is not as messed up as in the previous post.

I mean, I'm still a lil bit unstable but I'll try my best to hinder whatever satanic,demonic, evilest intention or thoughts.

I figured it is new year after all, why not turning over a new leaf and strive forward and for the best.
I'm not that young hormonal teenagers anymore , heck I'll turn to big 2-3 years old in coming days so let's just grow up and straighten up your mind and heart, pretty please.?

I don't know why but maybe this is coming from the sudden realization after watching matluthfi's latest videos entitled 'rokok dan kopiah'. (He's my ultimate favouritest Malaysian vlogger).

a few of beautiful things to ponder from his video:

- rational vs belief.
-you're never alone if you start to depends to 'yang tidak mati' (ALLAH S.W.T).
-even the most optimistic person on earth will finally seek for some dependency like turns to his religions, beliefs, etc. when his life has turned upside down.
-strict religion is not the better religion.
-you wonder why Allah sometimes doesn't give what you wanted most after you've continually, constantly praying, performing solat etc. but the question is. does your Ibadah's sincere enough? Ultimately, sincerity is the key point.

I think I've yada yada too much.

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