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Oct 15, 2010

My Father's Daughter.

It is impossible for me now to ever forget what this day means to me.
The day he was born.
The day the man who was fated to be the man i called abah.

He was always there for me in both body and spirit, showing me by his living example what it was like to be a father and a husband, that it was possible for a man to show tenderness, to be unafraid of open affection with his children, and to be a loving husband. He was selfless with us all.

It is impossible to speak of my father without also speaking of my mother, because they were one. Together, they showed me what true love was like, taught me what a marriage should be. A part of my mother is him. And for my mother to have this kind of strength now after her better half has gone, I have no words to describe it.

I never doubted that he loved me. Though he never say it out loud. We always hugged. When I am small, when he had to leave for work or went to the other home, he always kissed me on my forehead. When I had my exam results, he was always ready with his bear hugs and kiss on my forehead. Now I wonder, who would be able to give me the same love?

That is the greatest gift that a father can give to his daughter.

I will always love you and I will always miss you.


Abah; October 15th, 1947- August 07th, 2010

note: dlm minggu ni ada few times aku mimpi arwah abah.. tapi ustaz kata kalau kita mimpi orang dlm mimpi tu berckp ngan kta tu maknanye syaitan yg menyamar tapi kalo orang yg kita mimpi tu diam je itu mungkin la benar..


kesimpulannya, kalo mimpi ke teringat ke baik la sedekahkan bacaan al-quran, solat sunat etc.

Ada tiga perkara yang ditinggalkan di dunia, maka simati tetap mendapat pahala.

1) Derma kebajikan (seperti derma membuat surau, sekolah pndok, pusat tahfiz, etc)
2) Ilmu yang memberi manfaat
3) Anak yang soleh.

2 feedbacks:

Anonymous said...

Al Fatihah...

Hanya tuhan saja yang tahu..semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan tenang di sana..aminnn..

Ana. said...

anon: Al FATIHAH~~

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