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Dec 8, 2011

cahaya di hujung terowong karak.

so I think there's always
light at the end of the tunnel.
despite life's giving you lemons, you still can make lemonade out of it.
and whatever comes your way just chin up and brisk along with it.

and along the way, don't ever lose yourself,
keep your ground and stay humble,
and be grateful.
and remember even if someday you stumble upon shits,

just samak.
and continue walking, running and hopping. or even crawling.

InsyaAllah. :)

p/s: now, finally finally finally, I have my FYP's title and I think it's awesome. I get to make a phantom. per my friend, ' wow, you got to put your name on it' . (゜∇゜)
but then only if the project succeed.

Dec 5, 2011

cicak hunter

ok, so here's the story:

baru tadi aku bangun ingat nak sahur, sebab nak join la mereka2 yg puasa sunat pada hari ini, 9 muharram n esoknya 10 muharram. da lama lagipun tak berpuasa ni. kesian kat GIT aku, penat lelah..

pastu aku nak la buat air, 3 in 1 la, nescafe je... air bujang je..
aku pon menuju la ke arah meja aku yg terletaknya gelas nestle bliss purple aku..

aku dgn excited nya nak tuang isi2 dalam sachet nescafe itu, skali aku jenguk dlm gelas tu. ko tau ada apaaaaa??
misti da bole agak punye la.. refer title post ni pon da tau..
2 mata berkelip2 (ok, tipu la, sbb cicak takde kelopak mata kot) duk bersenang lenang dalam gelas akuu.

ok, aku pun bersabar je.. sbab malas nak gaduh ngan cicak kan. aku pun amek la mug milo aku..

settle la buat air..makan biskut sume..
neuron2 aku pun da cergas, sel2 badan sume da dpt glukos, ATP pon membuak2..

aku pun buat keputusan,
amik penutup gelas nestle bliss purple kesayangan aku tu,
aku tutup gelas tu..
aku duk senyap.. tunggu ada reaction ke tak.
tak de.

aku bukak tingkap,
then aku slow2 angkat gelas dari meja,
aku pun angle tangan ala2 nak baling buah petanque


tak nampak ape2 pun kat lua.
takkan cicak tu ghaib?
oo ok, malam lagi. gelap.

aku rasa perbuatan aku sangat heroic full of scarifices..
ye la, gelas favorite aku tuu..

then aku tgh2 salin log book, tiba2 bunyi cicak
agak kuat.
macam bagi warning.

takkan pasni aku nak buang meja pulak?

moral of the story:

-da lepas basuh pinggan mangkuk sudu gelas mug cawan tu simpan la dalam lemari ana oii.
-check dulu sebelum nak tuang apa2 dlm apa2.
-bli lastik

Dec 4, 2011

hello december

so, 4 days has passed since my birthday..
nothing much happened. no celebration.
just myself spending some time alone.
but I do get a few meaningful messages from friends and families.
that's more than enough, I think.
at least in this era of facebook is the news center, some still consider giving calls and texting as one way of communication, as a way to convey greetings, wishes, etc.

thank you because you don't forget.

in another note, ha! the dean asked to see me. i think because i screwed up my ca. oh, well.
maybe later today I'll see him and let's see what he have to say.

que sera sera.

i can't wait to get out from this hole.