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Dec 8, 2011

cahaya di hujung terowong karak.

so I think there's always
light at the end of the tunnel.
despite life's giving you lemons, you still can make lemonade out of it.
and whatever comes your way just chin up and brisk along with it.

and along the way, don't ever lose yourself,
keep your ground and stay humble,
and be grateful.
and remember even if someday you stumble upon shits,

just samak.
and continue walking, running and hopping. or even crawling.

InsyaAllah. :)

p/s: now, finally finally finally, I have my FYP's title and I think it's awesome. I get to make a phantom. per my friend, ' wow, you got to put your name on it' . (゜∇゜)
but then only if the project succeed.

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