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Nov 29, 2011
Nov 28, 2011
current feelings... (3)
Nov 25, 2011
Nov 1, 2011
Fever's End part 2
Tablo's part two of Fever's End just released on November 1st. so easily my favourite track is track no 8.
Dear TV / 해열
Dear TV,
Desensitize me.
Gimme more genocide please.
The world is your aphrodisiac,
so you stay turned on every minute,
every second I breathe.
You weaponize greed,
kill me with incessant I-needs.
Got me checkin’ out those,
and checkin’ out these.
Mainstream me, disinfectin’ my breed.
I’m lookin’ for nirvana but you Geffenize me.
Point me to the skies till heaven’s eye bleeds.
Anoint me with your lies then divinize me.
If heaven is a show, well, televise me.
But I won’t lie my way in, no fakin’ IDs.
I’ll die standin’. Try breakin my knees.
I’ll do a handstand like I’m breakin’.
Now freeze. Don’t act like you know me ’cause you recognize me.
You sell my record, not me.
only Tablo can make 35 seconds of rap seemingly poignant and genius.
another favourite track should be Thankful Breath. it's a moving song, full of hopes and love. i love how Tablo mention Epik High and also his wife and daughter in this song.
then Expiration Date- it's a quiet song with melancholic feel, accompanied by Tablo's breathy singing voice.
Tomorrow and Source tied at fourth place- Tomorrow is a bit mainstream with Taeyang's voice adds on to easy listening and Source reminds me of old school Epik High, with the featuring of scratch by the one and only DJ Tukutz!
Overall, as expected Tablo never fail to amaze me with his genius and deep lyrics. now all I could ask is for Epik High to be together again once Mithra Jin comes back from the army.
Thank you, Tablo
for staying strong and continue making beautiful music for us.