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Jan 31, 2011

malas nak bagi title..

well well, tgk date kat bawah lappy baru pasan arini last day January.
betapa masa pantass berlalu..
nanti bulan 2 dah,pastu tiga,empat lima enam tujuh lapan..
pastu sembilan masuk final year dah..adui dui dui~
betapa cepatt masa berlari..

anyway, 2-3 4 ari mendatang bakal bz ngan aktiviti jln2 makan2 cakap2 snap2 ..
ade kenduri perkahwinan sepupu ye..
oh penatnye.

da la assignment tak buat lagi.
oh complicated sungguh.
oh. bunyi ape tu?

ok, anak sedare berdengkur.

maknenye da lewat. time to sleep ana.

bukan ana semasa kecil.

Jan 26, 2011


I maybe awkward to people I'm not close with. but that doesn't mean that I hate you. never.
we don't have something in common, the chemistry between us doesn't spark.
still, I'm willing to exchange a nod and a put a little curve on my lips, so why don't you do the same? acknowledge me, and I'll be forever grateful and contented..
we're only human. and we breath in the same air.


kenapa mereka selalu merasakan perlunya membandingkan setiap orang?

'kumpulan tu bagus tak, kak? mana lagi bagus? kami ke dorang?'
'oh,kamu nak dengar yang baik ke yang buruk? haha, kumpulan kamu la lagi bagus'

I really reject that kind of comparison that says, Oh, he is the best. This is the second best. There is no such thing.
-Mikhail Baryshnikov-

Jan 23, 2011

I tried

To understand the situation by putting the shoes that was once hers,

To see the world according to her by putting the glasses that was once hers,

To donned myself with the dress that was once hers,

To write with pen that was once hers,

To cook the egg with the pan that was once hers,

To sing the lullaby just like her singing voice,

To laugh as quirky as hers,

To talk passionately like her,

To cry silently like her,

I tried everything,

But I could never take away the pain of losing him from her.

I missed you. so much.


bila sakit otomatik akan teringat rumah.
ingat ma kat umah.
pagi tadi aku bangun nak solat Subuh tetibe je rase pusing2..
pastu afta solat, rase nak muntah..
berlari2 anak ke toilet ntok meluahkan ape yg patot.
masuk bilik, baring, letak bam pala then telan painkiller,
at last, tak p clinical n class research..
petang p klas ..
balik tu tdo lagi..
rase penat n tak sedap badan.
uhuk. nak rumah. nak ma.

Jan 19, 2011

first CMA

CMA= continous medical assessment

so hari ni, Jan 19th is the first presentation of case study after 2 weeks clinical attachment at fluoroscopy and ivu department. agak nervous because da lame tak cakap depan orang ramai..
nak2 ckp depan lecturer n staffs..
basically, my group was up as the first presenter.(we volunteered) in my hunble opinion I think we did well. Alhamdulillah.. tak sia2 penat lelah jalan kaki ke murni nurani ulang alik ntok discussion..
but I think we have to feel grateful to have en. Zaky as our SV as he is one of the skillfull radiographer in HUSM.. it's like he knows everything.. from one glance, he could see whether the image produced is in good radiographic quality or not. the ethical of diagnosis.. inside and outside he knows everyhting.. truly respect him.
and he has been very helpful to us as he helped us to review our presentation slides.
but what made me feel super happy was he complimented us. 'well done and I'm impressed with your work, sekali cakap kamu dah faham nak buat ape' his words were like spirit booster to me to work harder and to share our knowledge that we gathered during our posting at his department. and what made me feel super duper happy was during the afternoon class, our programme co-ordinator also complimented our presentation. thank you Mdm Chen!
so I truly hope that me n my groupmates will continue our momentum from here onwards and give our best in every CMA's.. Insya Allah.

I'm feeling contented. :)

so the next CMA will b after CNY holiday. we'll see what'll happen.

Jan 16, 2011


3 pm- I missed you Abah. so much

3.15 pm- I know you can't be my 'good' FRIEND when you started to complain about my appearances and the way I styled myself.

3.20 pm- how I wish I could sleep like him. as much as I'm a sleepyhead, I still can't sleep in the class during lecture.

3.30 pm- I missed home.

3.35 pm- why I feel like I have no spare time lately. the constraint of learning process.

3.39 pm- Jokes are half meant. when you keep joking of how I was never a thin girl and I always look fat to you, I truly understand it. so stop.

3.40 pm- It's tricky when you listens to the lecture at the peak of the afternoon as you starts to daydreaming and losing your mind to somewhere else. like right now

3.45 pm- I'm a major spelling freak so it bugs me big time when people keeps on mis-spelling without trying to learn the proper spelling.

I jotted down this while sitting in the class at 3 pm today.

now I believe shit happens in life. my supposedly Thursdays CME have been advanced to this Wednesday. *head desk* ( buh-bye my precious sleeping time)

in a more positive view,my fictional story (not like the other girl) that I wrote for Gogumafics won Best Heartbreak Story(oneshot category)!!! I'm a happy young woman!
never thought my story would be getting much love. :)))))
for the first timer like me to saw my names being put up on the lists along with other established writers made me fly like a G6.(ok, lame).
and the more super better happy news spazzing to the max is the winning story will be translated to Korean language and send to S.Korea for the collaboration project. my STORY!! haha.
and plus my author's note will also b included too~ awesome to the max.

now imagining the lovely image of Yonghwa and Seohyun sitting on the yellow couch reading my story.
*cloud nine mode*

since I'm a self-proclaimed bipolar, now I'm down to the core ground as I SUDDENLY remembered my assignments, reports and presentation that needs to b done.
tak boleh kah mereka semua self service saje. ??

*dush dush*

Jan 2, 2011

2nd day of '11

feels like the longest time since I posted in my blog.
since today is holiday (YIPPEEE!!) so saya rasa nak wat entry panjang dan nk letak pictures, boleh? boleh? and this is random posts okay..HAHA

SO, here we go..

1. the first lesson that I learned this semester besides the clinical demo.


nota mammo yg tersadai di atas tilam.

agak menarik walaupun terpaksa tegakkan kepala selama 3 jam d waktu petang yang sejuk..da la slides mak aih! bukan powerpoint dah tapi word point tu wahai lecturer ku sayang..
antara point2 penting dlam pelajaran tu ialah;
kawasan berisiko tinggi ntuk dpt kanser payudara ialah kawasan belah atas yg bhg luar..50 % ye..
kalau ade rase lumps tu jgn risau, wat check up dulu bcos tak semestinya malignant..kalo benign takpe..
mammo begins at 70's lagi..
Siemens yg first wat Mo tube then GE follows..
and there's male mammogram.

2. haha! yg ni kelakar.. one of my friend gave me this one BIG RINGS!! it's pretty but too big for me.. anyway, thank you so much!! tapi kena fikir nk pakai mcm mane ye.. maybe guna kat tudung je la kot.. kalau kecik sikit da ok. :( sayang sebab design dya BLACK STAR!

cincin yg berada di atas lappy

3. and and hari ni tak makan nasik langsung bcos malas nk p kafe.. n bukak2 je mata tadi pon da pukul 2.30 PETANG! (okay, sungguh tak elok amalan ini) malam2 yang sejuk begini mula la lapar n pegi pantri nak amek apple lam fridge pastu nmpak ade org jual blueberry cheese tart n fruit cheese tart.. so aku mmg suka pastry2, cakes, etc pon ngan senang ati p beli.. rm 1.50 satu..
aku beli yg fruit tart tu.. ok la rase dya..not bad..nanti nk beli yg blueberry plak..
kan bagus pantry ade jual mende2 camni.. sesuai ntok org2 mcm aku yg malas nk kua.. nak makanan dtg terbang dgn sendiri..harap pasni makin byk ye brngan jualan..

fruit cheese tart sebelum dimakan

4. this is my latest addiction.

Cadbury Bournville Dark Chocolate berlatarbelakangkan awan (ke?).

ouh! nikmat. aku biase beli yg kosong ngan yg ade almond. misti restock, kire keperluan yg perlu ade dlm drawer meja.. harga tak mahal..rm 5.90 je.. kalau stress atau rase nk berada di awang awangan boleh la rase.. tak yah isap 'salvia bong' macam cik Miley Cyrus okay. cukup mkn dark choc je.. lagipun dark choc byk benefits nye.. natural antioxidant, tak menggemukkan, can lower your BP (must ask mum to eat it), can lower your LDL Cholesterol(the BAD cholesterol) by 10 percent (have to persuade my sister to love Choc as well), and it also can stimulates endorphin yg leh wat kita rase tenang saje..

tips nak mkn dark chocolate + getting all the benefits;

1. jgn la makan satu pek chocolate tu dlm sehari.. memang la boleh gemuk kalo wat gtu..makan sikit2 je.. dlm 1/3 dari satu bar pon okay..

2. taste the chocolate! baru dpt rase ke-rich-an chocolate tu.. jgn la sumbat je dlm mulut tu.. take your time okay.

3. pilih DARK choc.. dya ada more antioxidant than white or milk chocs.

4. JANGAN minum susu after makan chocs. ade kajian kata minum susu secepat mungkin selepas mkn choc maybe akan menyebabkan antioxidant tak dapat diserap oleh body kita.

itu saje dr saya kali ini sebelum kembali menjadi busy bee kerana esok dan hari seterusnya class from 8-1pm then 2-5pm.. MENARIK!!
Getting an education really is an annoying diversion :(((

and tadi ma call.. huhu.. rindu tetibe.. dapat cakap ngan farish debab tu sekejap .. haha.


farish ikhwan tersenyum manesss mengucapkan HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011!! ;)))