3 pm- I missed you Abah. so much

3.15 pm- I know you can't be my 'good' FRIEND when you started to complain about my appearances and the way I styled myself.
3.20 pm- how I wish I could sleep like him. as much as I'm a sleepyhead, I still can't sleep in the class during lecture.
3.30 pm- I missed home.
3.35 pm- why I feel like I have no spare time lately. the constraint of learning process.
3.39 pm- Jokes are half meant. when you keep joking of how I was never a thin girl and I always look fat to you, I truly understand it. so stop.
3.40 pm- It's tricky when you listens to the lecture at the peak of the afternoon as you starts to daydreaming and losing your mind to somewhere else. like right now
3.45 pm- I'm a major spelling freak so it bugs me big time when people keeps on mis-spelling without trying to learn the proper spelling.
I jotted down this while sitting in the class at 3 pm today.
now I believe shit happens in life. my supposedly Thursdays CME have been advanced to this Wednesday. *head desk* ( buh-bye my precious sleeping time)
in a more positive view,my fictional story (not like the other girl) that I wrote for Gogumafics won Best Heartbreak Story(oneshot category)!!! I'm a happy young woman!
never thought my story would be getting much love. :)))))
for the first timer like me to saw my names being put up on the lists along with other established writers made me fly like a G6.(ok, lame).
and the more super better happy news spazzing to the max is the winning story will be translated to Korean language and send to S.Korea for the collaboration project. my STORY!! haha.
and plus my author's note will also b included too~ awesome to the max.
now imagining the lovely image of Yonghwa and Seohyun sitting on the yellow couch reading my story.
*cloud nine mode*
since I'm a self-proclaimed bipolar, now I'm down to the core ground as I SUDDENLY remembered my assignments, reports and presentation that needs to b done.
tak boleh kah mereka semua self service saje. ??

*dush dush*
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