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Nov 20, 2012

that I would be good.

That I Would Be Good/Use Somebody,Smoakstack Sessions Vol.2

I always love Kelly Clarkson. she's such a great vocalist.
 like her lungs must be bigger than everybody else. 

and she'll always be my favourite AI alumni along with Chris Daughtry.

oh wow, a mere mention of lungs remind me of I went to a private clinics to do medical check up for my scholarship, and as usual, the usual procedures, urine test, vision test, bp taking and the chest x-ray.
then the consultation with the medical doctors. I have to wait like an hour plus just to saw the doctor.
and wow, the doctor sure talks a lot. like a lot. 
from nuclear reactor to the importance of exercising. 
and guess what.

the doctor told me I have scoliosis.
based from my chest x-ray films.
my spine have a very minor S-curve (the curve is less than 10 degrees).

thus, no wonder I occasionally have pains on my backside these past months.

but it's not a bad thing I guess. 
since it's only minor.
but still, it need to be prevented from the worst to happen. 

just have to limit myself on doing a very heavy work. 
yeah, just that plus exercise and practice to have a good posture whenever I can. 
and I think I have to wear backpacks to class. 

main point is: let's take an utmost care of our body.

onto another stuff; (yes I jumbled up everything in one post because I can).

as usual, my internet routines.
tumblring, twittering and a lot of other fun stuff. 
well yeah, internet is a fun innovation that have ever existed in the world.

and i stumbled upon this quotes.
thought I might share it here.

it felt weird reading this. 
a good kind of weird.

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