paper metodologi penyelidikan.
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Apr 19, 2011
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hari ni first day final exam.
paper metodologi penyelidikan.
paper metodologi penyelidikan.
ok, aku duk depannnnn skali, mangkuk sungguh.
bleh plak da masuk dewan dah duduk tetibe tengok, 'eh, mane slip exam? ah sudah!'
kena la plak pura2 hallway tu ala2 catwalk stage, jalan laju2 g amik. malang tul.
then selak paper.
soalan wajib.
4o marks.
research proposal.
nampaknye prof itu membalas dendam kepada kami2 angkara presentation yg tak menjadi.
pastu duk khusyuk kelip2 mata, renung stage, pegang dahi, conteng kertas soklan tu ade la 2 org pensyarah ni duk diskusi ape tah kat depan tu.
ey,ey,ey, saya nak jawab soalan ni, nak kena pikir, bleh senyap tak?
aku da siap bagi jelingan sekilas maut tapi tak reti juga.
dalam 20 minit pastu baru depa bersurai.
pastu ade pengawas tu plak duk bersidai kat depan aku.
ganggu pemfokusan aku tul, pantang kalo aku duk jawab paper, org duk tgk2,
kalo tgk ade hasil (bagi jawapan) takpe gak mcm ustaz arab last year, ni stakat duk kelip2 mata tgk jwpan aku. takpayah ok..
pastu da tgh kutip2 paper tu, aduhai, dak2 universiti ni tak reti kot. duk senyap la sekejap takleh ke. tau la da abes exm, hormati lah org len yg duk perah otak fikiran. mr bean pun tau senyap.
kesimpulannya, saya berserah kepada-Nya dan cube lagi ye ana untuk 5 paper lagi.
Apr 14, 2011
lists to do before I die
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okay, bored gile..
1. be an emcee for whatever event (done! and I receive another offer! this time it's for bigger event. :) )
2. go to glastonbury's festival
3. watch MUSE live in action
4. watch Big Bang live in concert (partially done! GD & TOP and Seungri, only short of Daesung and Taeyang)
5. go to South Korea
6. visit Mecca, one for umrah and for Haj
7. bungee jumping
8. ride a rollercoaster
9. ride an aeroplane alone
10. cook meals for entire family
11. buy house
12. singing in front of other people with microphone ( I sang Yuna's song!)
13. watch Manchester United at Old Trafford
14. meet Mitch Albom
15. travel anywhere with only my mother to accompany me
16. shopping alone
17. watch Adele in concert
18.get married
19.have kids
20.have grandkids
21. climb Mt. Kinabalu
22. holiday at Karambunai, Sabah
23. para sailing
4/23 , March23rd,2012.
will edit later.
Apr 13, 2011
write in the sand
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a story tells that 2 friends were walking through the desert. during some point in the jourey, they got into an argument and one friend got slapped in the face by the other. the one who got slapped was hurt but not saying anything, wrote in the sand, 'today my best friend slapped me'. they kept on walking until they found an oasis and they decided to take a bath. the one who got slapped before was drowning and the friend saved him. after he recovered, he carved in the stone, 'today, my best friend saved my life'.
when someone hurts us, we should write it in the sand where winds of forgiveness can take it away, but when someone does something good for us, engrave it in stone where no winds could carry it away.
cr: IslamicThinking@twitter
Apr 11, 2011
Sonnet seventeen
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I don't love you as if you were the salt-rose, topaz
or arrow of carnations that propagate fire:
I love you as certain dark things are loved,
secretly, between the shadow and the soul.
I love you as the plant that doesn't bloom and carries
hidden within itself the light of those flowers,
and thanks to your love, darkly in my body
lives the dense fragrance that rises from the earth.
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where,
I love you simply, without problems or pride:
I love you in this way because I don't know any other way of loving
but this, in which there is no I or you,
so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand,
so intimate that when I fall asleep it is your eyes that close.
.Pablo Neruda.
Apr 10, 2011
april's book- have a little faith
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a little girl came home from school with a drawing she'd made in class. she danced into the kitchen, where her mother was preparing dinner. mom, guess what?she squealed,waving the drawing. her mother never looked up. what? the mother said tending to the plates. guess what? the child repeated, waving the drawing. what? she tends to the pots. mom, you're not listening. sweetie, yes I am. mom, the child said, you're not listening with your eyes
-page 59, have a little faith, Mitch Albom-
Apr 8, 2011
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me=shorty forever

raya 2010

priceless, classics 1

priceless, classics 2

woot woot! 5A-ers

kawan enjoy kat times square theme park. luv u. kalo tak tak merase naik dna mixer yg gile tu.

in my hybrid car

3rd dinner

pretty girls 1

pretty girls 2

co-emcee + protocol's exco


umi's sis wedding

since 2006 till now

roomies 2010

jogging mates
huru hara buddies
kak pah yg chantekk
aelb's director, lecturer, coursemates
looking silly

just becos i like my white pumps

ambassadors for sembonia 2011

nom nom nom

morning after w/out shower.
1st dinner

penang trip yg hellish

at la hot spring

3rd dinner, i like the edits
i treasure every one of you in my heart..
<3 <3 <3
Apr 6, 2011
merapu merapa
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EUGHH.. takde mood nak study tapi kene.
eheheh. tengah2 tenung lappy nak taip ape tah.
rumet i balik. then dia kasik 2 potongan pizza. AHAHA. thanx. I LIKE! :))
nampaknye kena study ngan semangat nye.
-may the pen never dry-